Holiday 2015 Packs: Motes, Wrapd, Ornament

It’s the most wonderful time of the year time — again! Just as we do each year, we’ve added new packs of overlays, borders, and stickers to help you celebrate the holiday season. This time around, we’ve assembled a pack called Motes   that is all about adding bokeh and snow to your photos. We added some snow to this photo of skates hanging up to dry and dialed down the opacity to about 80%:
Photo Dec 01, 9 13 36 PM
The Wrapd borders pack focuses on wreaths and icy frames and some hanging decorations. Notice how we added this string of lights border but then used the History Brush to make it appear to sit behind the figure. It’s a neat effect we think you should try:
The sticker pack called Ornaments has stickers that focus on both the Christmas season and the New Year. We did this cup of cocoa up with some of that and a bunch more to go full-on festive:
Photo Dec 01, 9 06 33 PM
It’s become a warm-feeling tradition for us to give you something to make holiday cards with, and we hope you find something fun to play with in these packs.
If you weren’t aware, we also have a few holiday packs from last year that we left in the app by popular request: the Frostlicious HD overlay pack, Icebaby HD silhouette borders, and the Snowkiss HD stickers, which are still pretty phenomenal even looking at them a year later. We would strongly encourage you to mix and match all 6 of these packs; a little bit of old and a little bit of new.