“I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others.”
Looking for an experienced business owner to guide your small business? Jesse Clark is here to provide you the essential resources that you need! He is a dedicated entrepreneur and a passionate tech enthusiast with ready materials online for you to easily access, such as Free Video Conferencing and Create an Entire Marketing Kit, without you having prior experience. His lessons will provide solutions and teach you how to make your small business be perceived as a big business on a tight budget.
In this week’s Spotlight interview, Jesse had briefly described his journey to become a YouTuber in support of small growing businesses, work changes due to the pandemic, and the production of his insightful content.

How did you start your YouTube career?
I wrote an ebook a couple years back on free and affordable online resources to help grow your business. I was also watching and researching lots of business tools at the time and was inspired. This is when I began my channel.
Did you always know you wanted to do this?
I didn’t even think about starting a YouTube channel until this. I have been an entrepreneur for many years now and have owned several businesses.
How and when did you know you can make this a career?
YouTube is actually a side gig for me now. I actually teach marketing and own a web design and small business consulting company as well as a real estate investment Company.
How do you keep your audience engaged?
I am still working that out. I use TubeBuddy and analytics to consistently monitor my audience engagement.
What do you think is most important when you’re looking for ways to engage with your audience?
I feel the most important ways to engage with my audience is to minimize the fluff. Some creators are really good at engaging their audience with just talking about their topic. It is hard for me to use that technique with my content. My audience wants something straight to the point. I have also found that sharing my screen, annotations, and text on my screen while I am talking helps my audience understand more.
How long does it normally take for you to create content? Do you have several projects happening at the same time?
I only focus on one video at a time and it typically takes me about 4 hours. I usually break this up into two parts. 1 for recording and 2 for editing and posting.
What’s the biggest challenge you face producing content and how do you overcome it?
I have lots of video ideas and softwares to review so that is not the problem. My biggest challenge is finding time. I have a day job and own and operate two other businesses and have a wife and a 5 year old. Since YouTube is more of a passion, it seems to take a back seat sometimes. Once I set my mind onto a video, I put it in my calendar and block this time out. Once it is in my calendar, I now feel obligated to complete it.
What do you love most about working in this industry?
When I started my first company which was a photography company in Tucson, Arizona, I was hooked. I was in charge of all the backend marketing and business development. I instantly found myself looking for the most affordable and efficient, easy to use tools to help our business. After a few months, other business owners began reaching out for advice with their businesses. I enjoyed sharing my knowledge and helping others.
How do you stay current on all the shifts and innovations?
My wife all makes fun of me because some people enjoy playing guitar, or reading magazines, or sewing or whatever hobby they may have. Not me, I am very passionate about researching and trying out new online softwares and platforms. So naturally, I am always staying up to date on all the shifts and innovations.
Have you noticed any positive or negative changes in your work since the pandemic?
I have found a little of both. I have found that some businesses have shifted to more of a digital platform and have needed help with this transition. On the other hand, I have noticed some businesses aren’t as busy and are not at a place to invest any money on new technology or marketing for their business.
What’s the funniest story that comes to mind ever since you started working more indoors due to the pandemic?
I have always worked indoors so not really applicable to me.
What advice would you give for aspiring creators?
You need to enjoy and be passionate about the content you are creating. You need to take the time and plan before each video. You also need to utilize tools such as TubeBuddy to help with keywords and such. YouTube has become very competitive and even though there is still lots of money to be made out there, you need to keep your audience engaged. Views, subscribers, and watch hours will come naturally when your audience is engaged.

Want to learn more from Jesse Clark? Check out his YouTube for small business resources or email him directly jesse@ushinetechnologies.com if you’ve got questions!