Create A Dreamy Wonderland Artwork with Pixlr
Do you want to get lost in Wonderland?
With the surge of Surrealism Art, many content creators and artists are giving the genre a shot. Most people would think they need a green screen to be digitally transported to a magical wonderland, with Pixlr, it is just a few clicks away!
Let’s start creating!

Step #1: Basic Adjustment
Once you’ve uploaded your chosen image onto Pixlr, go ahead and duplicate the subject layer. Adjust the image’s hue and temperature to change the color of the subject’s outfit (or in this case, her dress) on the duplicated layer.
Next up, utilize the Add Mask feature, or more specifically the Draw Mask tool to blend the hue dress onto the original layer.

Step #2: Adding a new background
Next up, you can go ahead and mask out the background of the original layer. This isolates the subject, making it all the easier to change the backdrop into something more dreamy.
Choose an image of a forest to replace the background. Using the Draw Mask tool, blend the subject layer once again to make sure it fits within the new background.

Step #3: Tweaking the new background
Moving onto the new background, you may want to consider adding new elements that can enhance the “dreaminess” of your artwork. For instance, you can add a new image layer that illustrates giant mushrooms, making your edit all the more picturesque.
In ensuring your newly added mushrooms fitted nicely with the background, use the Drop Shadow feature to instantly add shadows. Add shadows under the subject by selecting the background layer. Then, select the Draw tool and adjust its level to high softness (up to 60) and low opacity (down to 10).

Step #4: Adding new elements
To dial up the fantasy feel of your artwork, you can optimize Pixlr’s filters too. In this case above, the filter used above can be found under Shades named Dragon. You can try adding in fog clouds and experiment with Draw Mask on high softness and low opacity to manipulate the flow of the fog in the image.

Step #5: Final Adjustments
As for the final adjustments, you may want to adjust the image’s brightness and temperature. Make sure to adjust not only the subject but also the background, ensuring nothing is out of place. For the final touch, add some fireflies in-between the layers for more depth.
Create Your Surreal Artwork with Pixlr, today!