Mixed media photography is anything photographed and digitally altered. Blending images together and dramatically altering the end result with digital graphics, filters, and modes to create art is something that takes artistry and time. While there are a number of digital artists mastering the double exposure trend, there are other artists experimenting with methods far beyond this — even in mobile photography.
These artists only use apps on their phones or tablets for the shots and editing. They impress me with their endlessly powerful mobile-art talent. Each of these artists individualizes themselves beyond “iPhoneography” or “mobile photography” in that they are doing so much more than that.
Helen Breznik | iPhone Only
The stunning and unique works of Helen Breznik really show the stretch and power behind a creative mind with a digital device in hand. Known for her dramatically artistic self portraits, Helen focuses on moody, artistic collages and edits.
“In the end it doesn’t matter what you shoot with… it’s the final image that matters.” — Helen Breznik
Her work borders on the surreal. You can’t help but dig deep at the meaning of her artwork. Each artistic piece holds mysterious storytelling value. Her emphasis is based solely on the iPhone between the photography and edits. How far do you take your collage work?
Link up with Helen:
- Fabulens.com
- Instagram @HelenBreznik
- HelenBreznik.Tumblr.com
Cedric Blanchon | Surrealism Mobileartist
Cedric Blanchon’s highly surrealist work is heart-pumpingly rich with drama and intent! Unlike Helen Breznio’s work, which evokes more emotional vagueness than putting out messages, Cedric’s work falls into categories. Cedric’s work is all done with the iPhone and a great variation of apps. He takes takes the time on his site to provide input on how he did the shots, along with which apps he used to make his final images. You can peek in to the madness here on his tutorials page.
Link up:
- CedricBlanchon.com
- Instagram @CedricBlanchon
- Twitter @CedricBlanchon
Ade Santora | Photomanipulation
Photo-manipulation on steroids is how I would describe Ade Santora’s iPhone conceptual artwork. I dig how he uses one-word descriptions on his Instagram, just enough to launch your thought process into the dynamics of the image, but not too much to prescribe where your mind should take it. His works are beyond rich.
Link up:
- Instagram @AdeSantora
- Facebook, iPhoneography.AdeSantora
- Flickr, spikabiz
- Pinterest, AdeSantora
Erika Brothers | Illustrative iPhoneography
Erica’s whimsical, artistic style will play to your wishful, dreamy side. Visit her Instagram account ecbnothers, and you can see where some of her inspiration might derive: she’s a mother of young ones. I relate and find myself very drawn to her dreamy, painterly pieces which are much more than iPhoneography. I would love to see her work in children’s books someday.
Link up:
- Instagram @ecbrothers
- Flickr, Erika Brothers
While these four iPhoneographers are each unique in their themes and style, they are all using a similar span of apps and hardware to shoot, edit, and finalize these amazing pieces of art. Many of the apps they use have one strong, stand-alone feature, while some apps (like Pixlr) are all-in-one apps — ones that can get you pretty far with some of these types of edits.
Interestingly, most — if not all — serious mobile photographers with this kind of artistic bent seem to be iPhone users. Is that a fair assumption? Do you know of any Android mobile photographer-artists? Point them out to us on Twitter so we can share some more great ones: @pixlr.