Pixlr 2.6.3 for iOS: New Compare Button, Expanded Features for All Users
Not too long ago, we updated Pixlr for Android and added and expanded features. Today, we’re...
New Pack for Essentials & Pro members: Artmodern
We’ve been on a tear lately with new content packs, releasing at least one brand-new effects...
New Pixlr Challenge: #pixlr #toyphotography
Another week, another challenge. This time around, we want you to tackle a genre of photography you...
New Pixlr Overlay Pack Celebrates COLOURlovers Contest Winner Art
This week, we’ve got special new content for Pixlr users: a pack of COLOURlovers overlays that...
New Challenge: #pixlr #colorsplash
This week is as good a time as any to join a weekly challenge. We just released a set of Pride...
Pride 2015
For nearly 45 years, people have been joining together to fight for gay rights and celebrate the...
New Pixlr Challenge: #mypixlroverlay
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could make your own overlays? Well, dear user, you can. And we’d...
Post Format: Video (Left Sidebar)
In nobis iriure sed, error discere sententiae vim et. Bonorum luptatum consectetuer ex vis,...
New for Pixlr Android 2.6: Compare Tool + Instagram Squares + Expanded Features for All
Pixlr for mobile keeps adding new updates with new features, and we recently updated our Android...
Post Format: Video (VideoPress)
[wpvideo tFnqC9XQ w=680] VideoPress, especially as a video post format, usually provides some...