Montage Your Images Magically with Pixlr's AI Generative Fill

Looking to swap or montage your images in a snap? Pixlr's AI Generative Fill tool makes it easy to do so, all with just a few clicks! With the power of machine learning, the tool can magically fill in the gaps between images, making it look like they were never separated in the first place.

Try The Tool Now!
AI Generative Fill

Why Choose Pixlr's AI Generative Fill?

Pixlr's AI Generative Fill is the best choice for swapping or montaging images.

How To Montage Your Images with Pixlr's AI Generative Fill

Step #1

Open Pixlr Editor and import your image: Navigate to the Pixlr website and launch the Pixlr Editor. Click on "Open Image" to import the image you want to edit. Alternatively, you can create a new blank canvas by selecting "Create New."

Step #2

Select the area to be filled: Use the "Selection" tools, such as the Lasso, Marquee, or Magic Wand, to select the area you want to fill. You can adjust the selection by holding the Shift or Alt keys while dragging to add or subtract areas.

Step #3

Access the AI Generative Fill: Once you've made your selection, go to the "Edit" menu in the top toolbar and click on "AI Generative Fill." A new window will appear with the AI Generative Fill settings and a preview of the results.

Step #4

Adjust the AI Generative Fill settings: In the AI Generative Fill settings window, you can fine-tune the filling process by adjusting the "Structure" and "Color" sliders. Structure controls the level of detail, while Color adjusts the color match. Preview the results to find the right balance.

Step #5

Apply the AI Generative Fill and save your image: When you're satisfied with the preview, click on "Apply" to finalize the changes. The AI Generative Fill will fill the selected area, seamlessly blending it with the surrounding content. Save your edited image by going to "File" > "Save."

Apply the AI Generative Fill


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a Question?

Is the AI Generative Fill difficult to use? Not at all! Pixlr's AI Generative Fill has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use, even for beginners.
How long does it take to get results with the AI Generative Fill? The AI-powered tool works quickly, giving you results in just a matter of seconds.
Can I use the AI Generative Fill for personal and professional use? Yes, you can use the AI Generative Fill for personal or professional use.
Does the AI Generative Fill produce high-quality output? Absolutely! The tool produces high-quality output that looks natural and seamless, giving you professional-looking results every time.
Is Pixlr's AI Generative Fill available on mobile devices? Yes, Pixlr's AI Generative Fill is available on both Android and iOS mobile devices.
What is the maximum image resolution that Pixlr's AI Generative Fill can handle? Pixlr's AI Generative Fill can handle images up to a maximum resolution of 10,000 x 10,000 pixels.
Are there any limitations to using Pixlr's AI Generative Fill? Pixlr's AI Generative Fill may not work well on images with complex backgrounds or with objects that have similar colors to the background.
How long does it take for Pixlr's AI Generative Fill to process an image? The processing time for Pixlr's AI Generative Fill depends on the size and complexity of the image. However, it generally takes a few seconds to a few minutes.
What is the recommended image size for using Pixlr's AI Generative Fill? Pixlr's AI Generative Fill works best on images with a resolution of 1000 x 1000 pixels or higher.
Can I customize the settings of Pixlr's AI Generative Fill? No, the settings of Pixlr's AI Generative Fill are fixed, and you cannot customize them.