AI 圖像生成器

使用生成式 AI 描述您想要看到的內容來生成圖像,所有圖像默認公開發布。

  • 正方形
  • 增強
  • 動漫
  • 攝影
  • 數字藝術
  • 漫畫書
  • 奇幻藝術
  • 類比電影
  • 霓虹朋克
  • 等距
  • 低多邊形
  • 摺紙
  • 線條藝術
  • 手工黏土
  • 電影感
  • 3D 模型
  • 像素藝術
  • 暖色調
  • 冷色調
  • 柔和色彩
  • 鮮艷色彩
  • 粉彩色
  • 黑白
  • 工作室
  • 背光
  • 陽光
  • 戲劇性
  • 低光
  • 體積照明
  • 邊緣照明
  • 昏暗照明
  • 黃金時段
  • 曙暮光射線
  • 模糊背景
  • 特寫
  • 廣角
  • 狹窄的景深
  • 從下方拍攝
  • 從上方拍攝
  • 微距攝影
生成 (4c)
Steampunk boy with medium length strawberry blond hair with a pink and orange over coat with goggles on the top of his head chiness day cat Scary robot photo of a rhino dressed suit and tie sitting at a table in a bar with a bar stools, award winning photography, Elke vogelsang DJ Hillbilly hitch hiker hanging in the back of carnival truck with a  bindle and a dj set on his lap facing towards the camera while the truck drives off into the sunset  (vibrant colors) (golden hour) (blurry background) Create an image of a 25-year-old woman with beach tan skin and short blonde hair, green eyes, real person. Lord of the Rings book cover, 4k, HD, high quality, Far point-of-view, walking down multiple terrain A 14 year old boy chilling to music and looking at neon lights funny dinosaur a man in a space suit playing a guitar, inspired by Cyril Rolando, shutterstock, highly detailed illustration, full color illustration, very detailed illustration, dan mumford and alex grey style rubi fortnite sexy (warm tone) (backlight) furry dragon in sunglasses, digital art I want pictures with RJCULTISMMINI word CA DEV steampunk makeup, in the style of vray tracing, colorful impasto, uhd image, indonesian art, fine feather details with bright red and yellow and green and pink and orange colours, intricate patterns and details, dark cyan and amber makeup. Rich colourful plumes. Victorian style.



Create Stunning Images Instantly With AI

Unlock your creative potential with our AI-powered tool, perfect for generating stunning images in seconds. Whether you're starting from scratch or transform an existing photo, our tool offers two simple ways to bring your vision to life. First, you can enter a text prompt and watch as the AI generates four unique image samples based on your description. This feature is ideal for brainstorming and exploring different creative directions. Alternatively, if you have a specific image in mind, upload your photo, and let the AI transform it into the design you’re looking for. The AI intelligently analyzes your input to create a custom image that matches your creative vision, saving you time and effort. With these versatile options, creating beautiful images has never been easier.

Create Stunning Images Instantly With AI

Generate Unique Image Styles With Text To Image

Explore a world of creativity with Pixlr's 16 unique style options, designed to transform your images into captivating works of art. Whether you're looking to add a touch of anime, digital art, neon punk, cinematic, photographic, or simply enhance your photos, there's a style to suit every mood and theme. Feeling dramatic? The cinematic style adds a rich, movie-like flair to your images, perfect for creating striking visuals. For a futuristic and edgy feel, the neon punk style infuses vibrant, bold colors that make your creations stand out. Each style is meticulously crafted to elevate your photos, providing you with the flexibility to align your visuals with any aesthetic or purpose.

Generate Unique Image Styles With Text To Image

Polish Your Vision With Pixlr Express

Take your AI-generated images to the next level with Pixlr Express. Once you've generated an image, open it and click on Edit Image to seamlessly transfer your creation into Pixlr Express. Here, you have access to a wide range of advanced AI tools that allow you to perfect every detail. Whether you're looking to adjust colors, enhance sharpness, or add finishing touches, Pixlr Express offers all the adjustment tools you need to bring your vision to life. Use AI tools such as Generative Fill and Generative Expand to creatively extend or alter your images, making them truly one-of-a-kind. Enhance your generated images further by applying filters like HDR for dynamic range, Bokeh for artistic blur, or Reflect for creative reflections to give your image a unique touch.

Polish Your Vision With Pixlr Express

Designing Has Never Been So Safe And Easy

Pixlr’s AI Image Generator makes it simple and secure to create vibrant graphics. If you prefer to keep your work private, you can easily toggle the ‘make private’ button before generating your image, ensuring that your creations remain confidential. If you come across any unsuitable images, simply click the flag button when viewing the image. Our team reviews flagged content daily and takes appropriate action to maintain a respectful and safe environment for all users. With Pixlr, you can focus on creating with peace of mind, knowing your work is protected and your community is safe.

Designing Has Never Been So Safe And Easy

How to make AI-generated images

  1. Tap the input at the top and describe the image you’d like to generate. The more detail you can provide, the better.
  2. When using Text to Image, you can also choose an image style from our available options like Enhance, Anime, Digital-Art, Neon Punk, Cinematic etc. Then, click Generate image.
  3. Additional Image Generator options include Size/Aspect ratio and color, lighting and composition preferences for you generated photo
  4. When the image is generated tap on the photo to download, Edit Photo or use Face Swap.
How to make AI-generated images

Unleash Your Creativity With AI Image Generator Features

  • Capture the Perfect Angle with Composition Control

    Capture the Perfect Angle with Composition Control

    Tailor your images to perfection with a variety of composition options. Whether you want a Blurry Background, Close Up, or Wide Angle, our tool lets you experiment with different perspectives to find the ideal framing for your creation. Capture every detail with precision, ideal for portrait photography, product shots, or any scenario where the right angle is key to creating a stunning image.

  • Set the Mood with Dynamic Lighting Options

    Set the Mood with Dynamic Lighting Options

    Create the perfect atmosphere by selecting from an array of lighting effects like Dramatic, Sunlight, or Studio. Whether you’re aiming for a moody, dimly lit scene or a bright, sunny setting, our lighting controls help you set the tone with ease. Elevate your visuals by setting the perfect tone, making it a go-to for landscape photography, cinematic effects, and emotionally impactful shots.

  • Enhance Your Visuals with Creative Color Toning

    Enhance Your Visuals with Creative Color Toning

    Elevate your imagery with the right color tone. Choose Vibrant Colors to make your visuals pop, or opt for Muted Colors for a more subtle, refined look. For a timeless appeal, the Black and White option adds a classic touch. Infuse your projects with the perfect color palette, making it indispensable for fashion photography, editorial work, and any image where color defines the narrative.

  • Bring Your Vision to Life with Diverse Styles

    Bring Your Vision to Life with Diverse Styles

    Explore a range of artistic styles like Anime, Digital Art, or Cinematic to bring your creative ideas to life. Whether you’re crafting a realistic portrait or a fantastical scene, our styling options cater to all your artistic needs. Design with flair and creativity, perfect for posters, digital art, and character designs where the style sets the theme.

  • Refine Your Image with Targeted Negative Prompts

    Refine Your Image with Targeted Negative Prompts

    Fine-tune your creation by specifying what elements to exclude. With our negative prompt feature, you can easily remove unwanted details, ensuring your final image aligns perfectly with your vision. Streamline your visuals effortlessly, especially useful when precision and focus are critical to achieving a professional look.

  • Transform Instantly with Artistic Preset Styles

    Transform Instantly with Artistic Preset Styles

    Effortlessly achieve stunning results with our preset styles. Whether you’re going for an Analog Film look or Pixel Art, these presets offer quick and easy ways to transform your images into masterpieces. Get that polished finish in seconds, making it perfect for social media content, marketing materials, or quick edits that need to impress without delay.



什麼是 AI 圖像生成器 AI 圖像生成器是一種創新工具,使用先進的 AI 技術從文字提示生成圖像,只需寫下您想要生成的內容,我們的 AI 將創造它。
AI 如何生成圖像? AI 圖像生成器創建出具有鮮豔色彩和高質量的圖像。我們的機器學習模型掃描互聯網上的數百萬圖像及相關文字,使 AI 能夠預測並創建符合您提供的文字的圖像。用我們的 AI 圖像生成技術體驗下一級別的內容創建。
圖像生成器是否創建獨特圖像? 絕對是的!AI 圖像生成器產生的每幅圖像都是獨一無二的。通過跳過設計過程節省時間——只需輸入您的描述,就能看到您的視覺在鮮豔的圖像中呈現出來。生成圖像的唯一限制是您自己的想像力!
圖像生成器是否免費? 是的,Pixlr AI 圖像生成器提供一個免費層級供您探索我們卓越的文字到圖像工具。作為新用戶,享受使用 20 個積分生成 20 張圖像的自由。此外,利用我們的免費試用體驗 250 個免費積分。迅速將您的想像力變為現實。如果您需要幫助,只需聯繫我們。
我可以將生成的 AI 圖像用於商業用途嗎? 是的,您可以,Pixlr 不保留文字到圖像生成的任何版權,但請確保您遵循條款和條件以及我們的指南。
誰擁有 AI 生成圖像的版權? 這對於全球社區來說仍是一個開放的問題,目前沒有確定的答案。目前,Pixlr 沒有對用戶生成的內容提出任何版權主張。此外,Pixlr 缺乏將輸出內容的使用權授予用戶的能力。重要的是要意識到,隨著不同司法管轄區版權法的發展,這種情況可能會發生變化。
AI 圖像生成器合法嗎? 雖然 AI 生成的藝術作品本身不能被版權保護或歸因於特定個人,但重要的是要注意,用於訓練生成器算法的藝術作品通常是有版權的,屬於或由人類藝術家和創作者擁有或歸功於。因此,在製作 AI 生成的藝術時存在潛在的版權侵權問題。
最好的 AI 圖像生成器是什麼? 不使用複雜軟件的最佳 AI 圖像生成器和文字到圖像轉換就在這裡。只需描述您的願景,觀察它立即轉變為您的博客或社交媒體的令人驚嘆的 AI 圖像。使用我們免費的文字到圖像生成器輕鬆釋放您的創造力,可在網絡和移動設備上使用。
為什麼要使用 AI 圖像生成器? 使用 AI 文字到圖像生成器有很多好處。立即將您的想法變為現實,無需從頭開始花時間設計。再也不會有創造性障礙,因為您從靈感開始,輕鬆創造出令人驚嘆的視覺效果。將您的 AI 生成的照片用作引人注目的網絡內容、奇特的社交媒體帖子或贏得設計提案。使用 AI 生成器將文字轉換為圖像——這既有趣又快速且免費!
使用圖像生成器安全嗎? 我們的免費 AI 藝術生成器將啟動您的概念,讓藝術靈感流動。為了幫助您安全負責地使用文字到圖像,我們已經實施了多層安