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Pixlr for Education通過PixlrEdu訂閱全球學校和高等教育機構,提供免費的Pixlr升級。該計劃使像您這樣的學生,教育工作者,老師甚至終身學習者受益,他們有興趣提高設計技術技能並發展以設計為中心的思維方式。
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從 Pixlr 購買任何訂閱將給您提供對所有平台的相同訪問權限,您將能夠通過您的 Pixlr 帳戶在網頁、桌面和移動設備上享受 Plus 或 Premium 訪問。
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一旦您的付款已處理,Pixlr 將無法為您的訂閱處理任何退款。如果您是通過移動應用程序訂閱的,則所有訂閱都通過您的應用商店管理 - 如果您需要退款,您將需要直接聯繫商店。
There are two types of AI-credits, the once you have while your subscription is active are topped off each time the subscription renews, i.e. if you are on a monthly premium subscription and have 863 credits left on the date of the renewal that will be reset to 1000. If you cancel your subscription the subscription credits will reset to 0. The second type of credits are the Credit Packs, these credits will never expires and are counted separately from the subscription credits. If you have a subscription and bought a credit pack your subscription credits will be used first and when they are gone we will start using credits from the Credit Packs.